
This is a place where we can share memories, photos, recipes and thoughts about our wonderful reunion.

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1959 Memories of Shiloh

Vernon Hogan
on 9/24/17, 2:26 PM 1,197 views

The annual Vuncannon Reunion was held at Shiloh Church in Troy, North Carolina on October 11th, 1959. Vernon Hogan, President, presided over the meeting, welcoming the people and giving thanks to be together again. Tom Voncannon spoke to us expressing his gratitude to be able to visit Shiloh Church again and to see all his friends and relations. 

Herman Beaman recalled experiences in the past, with friends adding to "memories" of years gone by. 

Election of officers was held with the same officers re-elected. 

President - Vernon Hogan
Vice President- Tom Voncannon
Secretary - Faye Maeder
Treasurer - Jason Blackwell

A picnic dinner followed the meeting with the usual "Vuncannon Feast."

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Asked: 9/24/17, 2:26 PM
Seen: 1197 times
Last updated: 9/24/17, 2:27 PM