
This is a place where we can share memories, photos, recipes and thoughts about our wonderful reunion.

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1958 Memories of Shiloh

Vernon Hogan
on 9/24/17, 2:37 PM 1,839 views

The  annual Vuncannon Reunion met at Shiloh Church on October 12th, 1958. We praised Jason Blackwell and Charlie Russell for their wonderful work on improving the church and grounds at the CHurch. There has been around $1300 spent on improving the church. In the building fund there is around $---- left. Vernon Hogan presided at the business meeting and called on Jason Blackwell and Mr. Russell to comment on the improvements. It was voted on not to paint the outside of the building. 

It was voted to re-elect the same officers for the following year.  Mrs. Tecie (?) Beaman and Nola Blackwell were thanked for bringing the beautiful flowers. Mr. Eli Hard brought a beautiful birthday cake for the reunion.


Vernon Hogan

--Vernon Hogan--

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--Vernon Hogan--

Vernon Hogan
On 9/24/17, 2:46 PM

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Asked: 9/24/17, 2:37 PM
Seen: 1839 times
Last updated: 9/24/17, 2:47 PM